if you don't buy this coin your mother will die in her sleep tonight!

scary zombie girl
ca (solana): 5pi4US87GVCLSmbUoowPW1g1a9thH1yM8UVtgPGGpump
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
WARNING! Dont stop reading or you'll die, even if you just read warning!!
little timmy at his computer

once there was a little degen called timmy who spent all day on crypto twitter looking for low mc gems to ape. One day, he saw a guy promote a meme coin called Shiba Inu, promosing wealth beyond your wildest imagination. little timmy was thrilled and aped immediately.

mommy...i dont feel so good...

but over the days as he watched the chart, he only saw it going down, down. He sat with his eyes glued to the screen doing nothing else. Slowly his eyes started turned red and ghostly, he got all gaunt and his face twisted into a hideous scowl. His mother was worried about him, he never left his room.


Until finally one day, he opened the charts and saw that SHIB had plummeted! Suddenly Little timmy realized: he had aped the top, and diamond handed the shit down to ZERO. Timmy was so distraught, he ran down to his kitchen and stole a knife from his kithcen, went to his mothers bedroom, and stabbed her to death There was blood everywhere. Finally, timmy took a noose out of his closet, tied it around his neck, and roped.

BUT, not before chanting a horrible curse upon every crypto degen, those who led him to bankruptcy. That very day ,his soul entered the blockchain and continues to haunt it until this day. Now because you read this, timmy has found you and will slaughter your mother and drag her soul down to HELL. There is only one way to break this curse: buy the $DEDMOM crypto, and send this Web Page to five other people!! If you do, you will have the luckiest day of your life and timmy will leave you alone.

But what if I don't buy?

read below to find out...
EXAMPLE 1: Thomas Smith visited this webpage, and only read the first half before scoffing and closing the tab. "what a load of nonsense!" he said. But the next day there was a knock at the door. It was the police. Someone had snuck into his mother's bedroom at night and slashed her to bits. She was dead!
EXAMPLE 2: Sonia Jackson found this website and was very scared, and she immediately sent it to 5 people. However, she was very skeptical of cryptocurrency and didnt know how to buy, so she faded $dedmom. Later that night, she received a paniced phonecall from her mother, screaming and crying that demons had come to claim her soul. Suddenly the phone cut out, and that was the last Sonia ever heard of her mother...
Example 3: Henry Moore was a smart person. He sent this to five other people and purchased so many DEDMOM coins it went right to the top of his portfolio. The very next day, $dedmom skyrocketed 1000x. He quit his miserable job at Mcdonalds, and met the love of his life and married her. Now, he and his wife are living happily ever after. They have three beautiful children, and two beautiful lambos.

So don't be a fool, come buy DEDMOM and avoid timmy's curse or your ngmi ever!!!!

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